Reference Number File

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Before each grades file transmission, you may identify university applicants in your school or board file(s). This is done through the Reference Number File option in COLS, by selecting “OUAC Reference Number”:

  • The OUAC Reference Number file contains OUAC reference numbers for the school’s university applicants and is used to update the school’s or board’s grades file. As a result, data is transmitted only for those students who have an active OUAC application.
  • The OUAC Reference Number file is not intended for manual updating.
  • If you have questions about importing this file into your system, contact your software supporter.


  • You must notify the OUAC about any changes to the MIDENT numbers and Secondary School Student Numbers (SSSN) for new students, as these numbers are used to match the school or board electronic file to the OUAC database.
  • You must ensure that students (especially twins) do not share SSSNs and OENs.