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How to Edit Your Application

Did you submit your application already, but want to make some changes?

Don’t worry – after you submit and pay for your application, you can log back in to review your information and make edits. Usually, you can do this the next business day after you completed your application.

Your name and date of birth are read-only. Contact the OUAC if you need to update this information.

  1. To review or edit your application information, click any of the links in the Application Links menu to go to the applicable section.
    • If you want to make changes to your university or program choices, select “Choices/Offers” from the Application Links menu.
    • To change a program or university choice, you must first withdraw your existing choice and then add the new program.
    • Notes:
      • You cannot edit the details for a program with an offer or accepted offer.
      • If you add program choices, you may have to pay additional fees.
      • There are no refunds for withdrawn choices.
      • Some universities may not accept changes past a certain date. Check the university’s own information for any program-specific deadlines.
  2. When you make edits, remember to click “Save” at the bottom of each section to save your changes to your account.
  3. When you are done making edits, go to “Review and Submit” to verify and submit your changes.
  4. If you made any changes that require payment, you must pay using CIBC Student Pay in your application.

If you exit your application without completing the Submit process, your changes will not be sent to the universities. If you do not receive an email with a summary of your changes, your changes were not submitted – please try again.

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