Are application fees refundable?
No, there are no circumstances under which we can refund application fees…
No, there are no circumstances under which we can refund application fees…
Read any errors or warnings carefully.
If you have a warning, you can proceed with submitting your application…
If you are admitted to a university but wish to delay your studies for a year or more, you will need to reach an agreement with the university in question. The university will determine any conditions. When you are ready to attend university, you may be required to re-apply through the OUAC. Contact the university for more details. If you are required to apply through the OUAC, you will need to submit the appropriate application fee(s) and respect any application deadlines.
Because the OUAC is not a university, application fees are not tax-deductible. However, you can print receipts for application fees (for uses other than tax returns) directly from the application…
No. The medical schools require applicants to submit a maximum of 3 references.
Yes, you can submit your OMSAS application even if your references have not been received…
Yes, you may use the same verifier for multiple ABS entries.
Yes, you can change your program choices by logging in to your application and going to “Choices/Offers”, as long as the deadline has not passed. To withdraw a program, select “Withdraw” in the Actions column beside the program. To add another program, select “Add Program”.
Yes, you can change your program choices by logging in to your application and going to “My Choices”. To withdraw a program, select the trash icon in the program tile, then select “OK” in the pop-up.Note: If you withdraw a program you have received an offer of admission for, the withdrawal will cancel the offer. To add another program, select “Add Program”.
If you are applying only to the University of Ottawa and/or NOSM University, your references can be in French. If, however, you have any of the other medical schools on your application, your references must be in English.
We do not review prerequisites. You will need to contact the rehabilitation schools directly for more information.
It is not mandatory to decline an offer of admission, and not all faculties will ask for declines…
No, linking to OSAP is an optional step meant to save you time in your OSAP application. You may link your OSAP and OUAC accounts any time after you have submitted your OUAC application…
For the most part, no. Whether you list a university or a specific program as first, second, third or higher in your application is not normally a factor in the universities’ admissions decisions. A university must make its policy clear in its own information where there are exceptions to the policy of using the numbered list of choices. Your numbered list of choices does provide valuable information to the university admission offices. This is particularly true for limited enrollment programs. Admission officials use this data to project the number of applicants who are likely to accept offers of admission, so the university can plan its resources accordingly…
Universities may take special circumstances into consideration when they make their admission decisions. You may wish to contact the university yourself to explain the nature of your special situation.
The actual “Submit” process consists of the following 2 steps: You will review all information you entered in the application, and accept a declaration that the application is complete and accurate by clicking “I Verify and Agree”. You will enter your payment information and click “Finish” to submit your completed application to TEAS. If you have successfully submitted your payment, you will receive a 6-digit TEAS reference number. Keep a record of this number, as you will need it for future communication with TEAS…
Once we receive your fee, process your application and distribute your application information to the universities, you can contact them directly for information about the status of your application…
To see whether we have received a document (e.g., transcripts, online references), log in to your application and select “Document Tracking” in the…
When the universities have evaluated your application, they will send an admission decision directly to you. If a university has offered you admission, they will include instructions for responding through your application in your admission package…
If you wish to cancel your application, you may log in to your account and withdraw all of your choices. Be sure to submit your changes by clicking “Review and Submit”. Remember that all processing fees are non-refundable…
If you wish to cancel your application, you may log in to your account and withdraw the program choice(s) you no longer wish to apply to. Be sure to submit your changes by clicking “Review and Payment”.
If you are currently enrolled in a course that you are using as a prerequisite, input the grade as “IPR” to indicate that the course is in progress…
The course number should consist of three or four letters of the course name followed by the numeric code. For example, Chemistry 020 should be entered as CHEM 020…
Note: You must have a current Undergraduate application to link to your OSAP account.
You can link using any of these options:
Go directly to the OSAP website.
Click any of the OSAP banners or links on the OUAC website or within your application.
Click your “OSAP Link Status” within your completed OUAC application.