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Undergraduate – My Choices


Refer to the application and the university's website for up-to-date program details.

Step 1: Select a University

Select a university and review the specific university requirements, website links and important admission information.

Choose a university to view the available programs. You can also search by geographic area or program code.

Step 2: Add Previous University History

When you select a university in the My Choices section, you can indicate if you previously applied to and/or registered at the university and when.

Previous Year Applied

If you previously applied to any program at the universities listed, select the year. Otherwise, leave this field as “Choose a year”.

Previous Year Registered

If you previously registered in any program at the universities listed, select the year. Otherwise, leave this field as “Choose a year”.

Step 3: Make Your Choices

Review the list of programs available at this university and make your choice.

You may apply to as many Ontario universities as you wish; however, you are limited to a maximum of 3 program choices at any 1 university (including affiliates).

Some universities may further limit the number of programs you can apply to. Refer to the university information pages in this application guide for more information or contact the universities directly.

Step 4: Add Program Details

Review the Program Details, which may include prerequisites, important deadlines and additional admission requirements. Read this section carefully.

  • “Expected Date of Enrollment” is when you wish to start classes.
  • Select a “Subject of Major Interest” if one is available for the program you are applying to.
  • Depending on the program, you may have additional program detail fields to complete (for example, “Co-op”.)

Step 5: Order Choices

Typically, it does not matter how you number your university or program choices in your application.

Whether you list a university or a specific program as first, second, third, etc., in the application is not usually a factor in the universities’ admission decisions.

A university must make its policy clear in its own information where there are exceptions. See the university information pages in this application guide for more information or contact the universities directly.

Your numbered list of choices does provide valuable information to university admission offices. This is particularly true for limited enrollment programs. Admission officials use this data to project the number of applicants who are likely to accept offers of admission, so the university can plan its resources accordingly.

Reminder: There may be additional fees if you change your program choices after you have paid.

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