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OUEvents and OUInfo Brand Guidelines

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Referencing Ontario Universities’ Events (OUEvents) and Websites

General Guidelines

  • Use the short form for marketing, promotional and website publications, unless otherwise noted.
  • Use acronyms for official documents, names and position titles in both English and French (e.g., “the OURF Chair” and not “the Regional Fairs Chair”).
EventAcronymShort FormGuidelines
Ontario Universities’ FairOUFOUFSpell out the first instance on official web pages only. Use acronym for subsequent references.
Ontario Universities’ Guidance DialoguesOUGDGuidance DialoguesSpell out the first instance. Use acronym for official documents and titles only, otherwise use short form. Use “Guidance Dialogues event” for singular.
Ontario Universities’ InfoN/AOUInfoSpell out the first instance.
Ontario Universities’ Information SessionsOUISInformation SessionsSpell out the first instance. Use acronym for official documents and titles only, otherwise use short form. Preference is to include “virtual” with the name (e.g., virtual Information Sessions). Use “Information Sessions virtual event” for singular.
Ontario Universities’ Regional FairsOURFRegional FairsSpell out the first instance. Use acronym for official documents and titles only, otherwise use short form. Use “Regional Fair” for singular.


OUEvents Colours


Hex: #E1251B
RGB: 225, 37, 27
CMYK: 6, 98, 100, 1

Information Sessions Purple

Hex: #592C82
RGB: 89, 44, 130
CMYK: 81, 100, 12,

Regional Fairs Blue

Hex: #0075C9
RGB: 0, 117, 201
CMYK: 100, 46, 2, 0

Guidance Dialogues Green

Hex: #124734
RGB: 18, 71, 52
CMYK: 87, 45, 78, 49

OUEvents Navy

Hex: #00205C
RGB: 0, 32, 92
CMYK: 100, 90, 31, 35

OUInfo Colours

OUInfo Purple

Hex: #6F1D46
RGB: 111, 29, 70
CMYK: 45, 96, 47, 34

Secondary Colours

OUInfo Red

Hex: #E31836
RGB: 227, 24, 54
CMYK: 5, 100, 84, 0

Regional Fairs Dark Blue

Hex: #193769
RGB: 19, 37, 69
CMYK: 100, 87, 32, 19

Dark Grey

Hex: #333333
RGB: 33, 33, 33
CMYK: 69, 63, 62, 58


The primary typeface for OUEvents and OUInfo is Gravity, a font by Vincenzo Vuono. This font allows our brand to match in print and on screen.

If this font is not available in the program you are using, use Arial.


Graphic design may also include 1 of 5 icons created by the Council of Ontario Universities.

  • Each icon circle has 21 dots.
  • The icons may be used on all corporate communications.
  • Colours: Pantone 444 for the 21 dots and the inside graphic.
  • Sizing: The minimum icon print size is .3 inch
Recruitment icons for community, deliver, education, parents and students

To obtain a full suite of icons, email us.


General Rules of Use

The OUEvents and OUInfo logos all follow the brand guidelines from the Council of Ontario Universities. Here are some guidelines for the more common uses. For a complete list of rules and restrictions when using an Ontario universities’ logo, email us.

Follow these guidelines when displaying the OUEvents and OUInfo logos.


View French logos.

Logo TypeUsageSample
Stacked Logo (Vertical)The stacked logo is the one you should use (where possible). OUF Stacked Vertical full colour logo in English
OURF Stacked Vertical full colour logo in English
Wide Logo (Horizontal)Wide logos are used on websites and in horizontal designs. Horizontal OUF full colour logo in English
Horizontal OURF full colour logo in English
Colour Logo – Half Reversed If the logo will be on a grey background, use the logo with the Ontario Universities’ in white (“half reverse”).Stacked Vertical Half Reverse OUF logo in English
Stacked Vertical Half Reverse OURF logo in English
Single Colour LogoIf a restriction does not allow use of the full colour logo, use the black or white (reverse) logos. The logo colour you select depends on the background colour it is being displayed on. We recommend choosing the one that creates the greatest contrast from the background colour.Stacked Vertical Black OUF logo in English
Stacked Vertical Black OURF logo in English
Stacked Vertical Reverse OUF logo in English
Stacked Vertical Reverse OURF logo in English

Logo Downloads


  • Any user has an obligation to ensure that Ontario universities’ recruitment logos are used in accordance with the conditions set out on this page. OUAC Communications and Events must approve all use of the logo. For assistance or to gain approval, email us.
  • In the .zip file for each logo format, you will find the stacked and horizontal English and French logos in full colour.

    Email us for additional formats.

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