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OLSAS – Sketch and Verifier Requirements


Refer to the application and the university's website for up-to-date program details.

Autobiographical Sketch (ABS)

The ABS is a detailed and comprehensive list of your activities since high school (do not include high school activities), within any of the following categories:


  • Indicate if the employment was during the summer, the academic year, before university or after graduation; if it was part-time or full-time; the total hours (per week or per month); and the start and end date.
  • Provide the location where the work took place.
  • Note your title and briefly describe your responsibilities.

Volunteer Activities

  • Indicate if the activity was during the summer, the academic year, before university or after graduation; the total hours (per week or per month); and the start and end date.
  • Provide the location where the volunteer work took place and briefly describe your responsibilities.

Extracurricular Activities

  • Indicate if the activity was during the summer or academic year, the total hours (per week or per month) and the start and end date.
  • Provide the location where the activity took place.
  • Indicate the type of activity: Individual activity, team activity or club activity (e.g., sports, arts, music, student government, personal activities such as travel).
  • For sports, indicate the level you performed at: Recreational, varsity, intramural, provincial, national or international.

Awards and Accomplishments

  • Identify the type of distinction(s) you received and when you received it/them.
  • Provide the location where the distinction took place.


  • Indicate the type of publications: Paper, abstract or presentation at a scientific meeting, etc. – accepted or published with a reference (submitted or in preparation).
  • Provide the location where the research took place.
  • Briefly describe your role in the research.


  • Provide additional details (as necessary).

ABS Process

Provide Complete Information

The ABS complements your Personal Statement. We strongly recommend that you provide complete information in the ABS within the space provided, as law schools use this information (including how it is presented) when making admission decisions.

We cannot advise you on your ABS. You are expected to use your own judgment in completing it. If you have specific questions about the content of your ABS that are not covered by the instructions provided, contact the law schools for further guidance.

Tips Before You Begin

  • Consider and record (separate from the application) all activities you have engaged in since completing high school.
  • Record when each activity began and ended, or if it is ongoing. Accuracy is critical.
  • Arrange these activities into the appropriate categories.

You cannot make changes and/or corrections to your ABS or school submissions after you submit your application.

Add Verifiers

For each activity mentioned in the ABS, provide the name, address and email address of a contact who can verify your involvement in that activity.

Verifiers are expected to be people who can objectively confirm your participation in the activity because they are connected to it in some capacity (e.g., as an employer, supervisor, coach, coordinator).

To associate a verifier with an activity, select “Add Verifier” from the drop-down menu or select a previously entered verifier. Where appropriate, you may use the same verifier for multiple activities.

The law schools reserve the right to confirm the information you provide in these sections by consulting your verifiers.

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