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Undergraduate – My Background


Refer to the application and the university's website for up-to-date program details.


High School and Postsecondary Education

Provide information about all institutions where you have registered in 1 or more secondary (high school) or postsecondary courses.

Institutions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Regular day schools
  • Private schools
  • Night schools
  • Summer schools
  • Virtual schools
  • Community colleges and CEGEPs
  • Universities
  • Junior colleges
  • Graduate schools
  • Work taken on Letter of Permission, on transfer or on an exchange program

You do not need to include institutions where your home school registered you for courses (e.g., board virtual school, dual credit, Specialist High Skills Major, e-learning through a consortium).

Reporting Previous Attendance at a University or College

You must provide information about all universities or colleges you attended, since universities normally consider all educational experiences to be part of the academic background. Universities need to know your complete academic background to process your application.

If you are not a current Ontario high school student, you are responsible for forwarding your official transcripts to your selected universities. Read the transcript requirements carefully, as some types of transcripts must be ordered within your application, while others you will need to order directly from your institution.

Tell Us More

Have you already achieved your Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or will you achieve it by the end of the current school year? (for current Ontario high school students)

  • You have already completed Grade 12 and earned your OSSD or you will be completing Grade 12 and earning your OSSD by August of the current school year.

Ontario Education Number (OEN) (for current Ontario high school students)

  • The OEN is a 9-digit, unique identification number assigned to elementary and high school students across the province. You can find your OEN on your report card. Your high school guidance counsellor will also have it on record.

What is your British Columbia (BC) Personal Education Number (PEN)?

  • Record your PEN if you previously attended or are currently attending a high school in BC.

What is your Quebec CEGEP Code Permanent?

  • Record your Quebec CEGEP Code Permanent if you attended or are attending a CEGEP.

What is your International Baccalaureate (IB) program type (if applicable)?

  • If you are a current Ontario high school student taking courses from an IB program, select either “Certificate” or “Diploma”.

Do you intend to write (or have you already written) an Advanced Placement (AP) exam by June of the current school year?

  • Indicate whether you wrote or intend to write an AP exam by June of the current school year. AP exams are administered by the College Board in the US. This section is optional.

What is your total number of years in an English-language school system outside of Canada?

  • If applicable, enter the total number of years you have spent in elementary and high school outside of Canada, where the language of instruction was English. Include the current year, if applicable. Do not include years spent in kindergarten or junior kindergarten.

In which country?

  • If you attended an English-language school outside of Canada, enter the name of the country where you studied.

Have you contracted the services of an academic agent?

  • Education agents are commercial organizations that provide support to students in their higher education journey, helping them:
    • choose universities and programs,
    • submit applications,
    • apply for study visas and
    • other services.
  • They also help educational institutions meet enrollment objectives by finding and recruiting suitable students.
  • Agents can range from small family-owned companies with a single office, to large public companies with offices in dozens of cities.
  • Agents earn revenue by charging service fees to students, or recruitment fees to education institutions or, in some cases, both.

Activities and Employment

This section is required only if you have finished high school. If you do not complete this section, your application assessment may be delayed.

Extracurricular Activities (if applicable)

List all extracurricular activities (e.g., volunteering, hobbies, sports, travel) you have done since you completed high school. Start with the most recent activities.

Employment (if applicable)

List any employment you have had since you completed high school.

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