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Undergraduate – My Personal Details


Refer to the application and the university's website for up-to-date program details.

The Basics


  • You must provide your first name/legal given name and last name/family name in full.
  • Do not include nicknames, shortened names (e.g., Pat, Mike, Jenny) or initials.
  • If you have multiple first names, include them in the “First/Given Name” field.
  • If you do not have a middle name, leave this field blank.

What first name do you use every day?

  • Fill out this field only if the name you use every day is different from your first/given name. Do not include your last/family name.
    • E.g., If your legal first/given name is James, but you prefer to be called Jim, enter Jim.
  • This is the name the OUAC and some universities may use when they communicate with you and, in some cases, on official documents.
  • Some institutions may require confirmation of your preferred name prior to registration.

Other Personal Information

Date of Birth

  • We use your date of birth for identification and document matching, and for statistics.


  • We collect information about your gender identity, if you choose to provide it.
  • You may select the “Prefer not to answer” response option if you choose not to provide your gender identity.
  • We use this information for statistics.

Have either of your parents or guardians attended a university or college?

  • You may choose to indicate whether either of your parents or guardians attended a university or college.
  • You are not required to provide this information; however, if you do, we will forward it to your chosen universities so they can inform you of specific services available to first-generation students.

Citizenship and Language

Status in Canada and Country of Citizenship

  • Your status in Canada and country of citizenship are required.
  • If you are a Canadian citizen, select “Canada” as your country of citizenship and “Canadian Citizen” under Status in Canada.
  • If you are a permanent resident (landed immigrant) of Canada or are applying with any other status in Canada (including “No Status”):
    • Record a country of citizenship other than Canada.
    • You must record the date of your entry or expected entry into Canada.
    • You may upload proof of status in Canada to support your application. These documents are not mandatory. More about uploading documents.

Do you identify as a First Nation (Status or Non-Status), Inuit or Métis person?

  • The Indigenous and Treaty rights of the Indigenous peoples of Canada are recognized and affirmed in the Constitution Acts of 1867 to 1982 (Section 35). Section 35(2) indicates that Indigenous peoples of Canada include First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
  • In keeping with this definition, you may self-identify by answering “Yes” to the question.
  • You may further specify one of the following: First Nation, Inuit or Métis.
  • If you do not meet this definition or do not wish to declare your status, leave the field blank or select “No/Undeclared”.


  • You can select “English”, “French” or “Other” as the first language you learned at home as a child.
  • You can indicate that you would like the universities to communicate with you in either English or French.

Applicant Diversity Census

About the Applicant Diversity Census

The Ontario universities are committed to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. To that end, they would like to learn more about their applicants to ensure that they are recruiting and selecting classes representative of the Canadian population and addressing barriers to a university education.

To assist them in fulfilling these goals, the Ontario universities are asking applicants to self-identify ethnicity, religion and/or spirituality, sexual orientation and disability.

Note: The universities you apply to may use your answers to:

  • Identify any unconscious bias or systemic racism in the admission process and to monitor any programs implemented to address any bias.
  • Inform you of specific programs, services or supports available to equity-seeking groups, in an effort to improve the availability of a university education for equity-seeking communities.
  • Support the admission process. Examples include, but are not limited to, making offers of admission and awarding scholarships.

You may select the “Prefer not to answer” response option available for each question if you choose not to provide your diversity-based personal information. No program, service or benefit will be withheld should you choose not to provide your diversity-based personal information.

Contact Details


  • Both your home address and mailing address are required.
  • If you change your mailing address, you must update your application.

Telephone Number

  • Provide your mobile, home or alternate phone numbers.
  • At least 1 phone number is required.

Email Address

  • Email is the primary mode of communication for the universities and the OUAC.
    • Check that you have entered your email address correctly in your application.
    • You should also add your university choices and the OUAC to your “contact” or “safe senders” list to ensure all messages are delivered to your inbox.
    • You must keep this information up to date in your application.
  • Universities may use email to provide offers of admission and to communicate other important information.
  • Universities may use your email address to create an account for you on their systems.
  • Many university systems require a unique email address.
  • We highly recommend you do not use school- or employer-issued email addresses, as these are normally deactivated if you leave the school or employer.

You must verify your email address before you submit your application.

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