Search Results for: English tivi 💥🏹🧿10 birds name💥🏹🧿Birds Name💥🏹🧿Englishtivicom💥🏹🧿Birds Nam in English💥🏹🧿Englishtivi💥🏹🧿Names of birds in hindi and english

Can I defer my acceptance until next year or later?

If you are admitted to a university but wish to delay your studies for a year or more, you will need to reach an agreement with the university in question. The university will determine any conditions. When you are ready to attend university, you may be required to re-apply through the OUAC. Contact the university for more details. If you are required to apply through the OUAC, you will need to submit the appropriate application fee(s) and respect any application deadlines.

Where do I send my transcripts?

Except as otherwise described in “Forwarding Your Transcripts to Ontario Universities”, transcripts must be sent directly to your university choices. Indicate your OUAC Reference Number on all your documents and any communication sent to the universities. The OUAC does not accept transcripts that are not noted in “Forwarding Your Transcripts to Ontario Universities”, nor do we forward them to your university selections…

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